Wisdom of the old dog

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Wisdom of the old dog

#1 » Post by stukov55 » 02 Sep 2017 11:33

I've been a gamer for... a very long time. Since 1991 or 1992, can't remember exactly. Grew up as a gamer throughout the 1990's - the "good old days", the "Golden Age of Gaming" as we old farts call it sometimes ^_^

The olden days weren't easy, oh no - there'd often be times when you'd be super-excited about some game, and then it would promptly give you the finger and refuse to run properly (or at all!), requiring a lot of workarounds and tech savvy. It was something you get used to. But more importantly, it teaches patience.

Patience is the key word here. There may be problems, dark clouds looming on the horizon, even the prospects of a demise, but that won't scare me, because I am patient. I keep coming back to TW and I keep enjoying it despite the problems.

Occasionally I play on a vanilla server too (name begins with "K") and it really angers me when people start whining and threatening to quit every time there is some problem or disruption - this happens pretty often. They haven't learned patience and all they can accomplish with their behavior is that they ruin the experience - for themselves and for everyone else.

So the old dog's wisdom is this - be patient, be supportive, and have faith in the dev team that has proven its worth many times over the years (and I say this as someone who has seen many servers and many different dev teams).

Strength and honor! :)

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Re: Wisdom of the old dog

#2 » Post by Celerity » 06 Sep 2017 22:22

Hear, hear! :arrowu:
Whammy - Hunter


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