Dungeon tactics

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Dungeon tactics

#1 » Post by Blystar » 16 May 2015 20:15

I've noticed that there isn't any dungeon help for new players. So, because I am tired of dying from dps trying to tank, I thought I would say a few things about how to survive in a dungeon. I realize it is hard, when learning to group, so here goes. The job of dps is damage. It doesn't matter if you are higher level, or do more damage than the tank, your job is to follow the tank and wait until he/she grabs aggro on the mobs before you attack. It is also a good idea to attack what the tank is attacking if at all possible. This one was a hard one for me to learn how to do. Tanks are specked to take and hold aggro, not to do the most damage. If you are attacking mobs before the tank grabs aggro, or attacking mobs that are not being held by the tank, then don't be surprised if you die, and don't be surprised if the healer refuses to heal you, or you get kicked from group.
If you are a healer, your job is also to follow the tank. He is the only one who can keep the aggro of the mobs off of you. Don't get too close to the mobs, but don't stay so far away that you accidently grab aggro from other mobs. This can be especially hard when the group is "skipping" mobs, because the skipped mobs will come after you first. I am hoping that other players will add to this post, so we can all have fun in groups, and learn from each other. hope to see you completing more dungeons in the future.
One more thing. It is ok to be a noob and ask questions, and take suggestions from other players.

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Re: Dungeon tactics

#2 » Post by Rascall » 16 May 2015 20:49

Well since I leveled another character recently I will share something I experienced during my leveling period (worth mentioning that since lvl 15 i leveled only in dungeons without questing). While I agree on what you said, there are other things to consider. Every player, even a newcomer to wow should do his homework and learn the basics of his class. Some players Ive met in dungeons didnt even bother to visit trainer for upgraded abilities (ye sometimes a new ability can make difference between survival and wipe). On lower levels tanks lack a lot of hit and expertise therefore they can miss a lot and lose aggro easily. Especially if you have a 9 lvl higher hunter in group lets say without misdirection available to learn at that level. Many people Ive met are either lazy/dont care to improve at lower levels or are shy to ask. Also 75% of players Ive met refused/were lazy to buff (ye buffs make difference in dungeons). Some players even refused to buff after 5 min of calling for buffs. Every class/spec has some utility to help group survive better. The job of all 3 roles isnt only the common understanding of that particular role but also using some utilities to help healer during high dmg times/mitigate damage or help tank in getting aggro easier. Rather as a healer I found the hardest thing to find a player willing to tank. Dungeon queue will pop more often if people were not afraid to learn healing and tanking while leveling.
Rascall Retribution/Holy
Rascallus Blood (tank)/Unholy (DPS)
Rascalluz Affliction/Demonology
Rascalles Feral (bear)/Balance
Rascallez Assassination
Rascallis Arms (DPS)/Arms (tank)
Razcall Marksmanship/Survival
Razcallus Fury/Protection
Razcalluz Feral (cat)/Restoration
Razcalles Combat/Subtlety
Razcaellez Beast Mastery
Razcaell Discipline/Holy
Razcaelllus Enhancement/Restoration
Razcaelluz Blood (DPS)/Frost (tank)
Razcaelles Elemental/Spellhance
Razcaellez Arcane/Frostfire
Rascaell Protection
Rascaellus Frost (DPS)/Unholy (tank)
Rascaelluz Fire/Frost
Rascaelles Shadow
Rascaellez Destruction

...and more...


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