TrueWoW mergers

Dear Spermik players,

first off, welcome to TrueWoW. Demian promised not to let Spermik die, even though the server itself is coming to an end the community will live on in TrueWoW with your good old Spermik characters. Hopefully you will fit in with the community and enjoy playing here just as much as you did at Spermik. This page should cover all technical details regarding your accounts and characters, it's certainly worth reading if you don't like unexpected surprises.

First I will cover the part concerning your accounts. You should be able to login with your old username and password at the website and in game but you need to create a new forum account. Some usernames already existed at TrueWoW, if this is the case then we changed your username and it will say you used the wrong password. Your new username will have a dot added in front of the username, for example if your username was first "spermikplayer" then it's now ".spermikplayer". However if your username was at the max character limit (32 characters) then the last character from the name got removed and a dot got added in front, for example if you username was "spermikplayersarecomingtotruewow" then it will now be ".spermikplayersarecomingtotruewo". If you got your username changed then you may ask an Admin to rename the username to your liking, be sure to have a valid e-mail with your account because the Admin will mail a new password. However if your current username doesn't bother you then please keep it, it's a lot of work to change all affected usernames... After logging in you should check your account information here and set recovery questions for extra safety. Now you have an account at TrueWoW you also need to agree to our Rules and Policies if you want to keep playing here, they are slightly different from Spermik.

I will especially pay attention to the fact that we delete accounts and characters after 6+ months of inactivity. As soon as you start playing here this will go active which means you risk losing everything if you go inactive. However if you just came back after a long inactivity at Spermik then you have nothing to worry, your account here might already have been deleted due to inactivity but we will recover it for you! Just send a Private Message to me (Roel) at the forum. Mention the username + password you had at Spermik and the username of a new account that you created at TrueWoW. If you have some patience I will recover your old characters to the new TrueWoW account, for me this method is easier than recovering the account itself and you can already start playing a new character while waiting for me to recover the characters.

I also want to notify you about some changes regarding your characters. First off your character gets a forced rename when logging in if the name already exists at TrueWoW. However if your character is a higher level, has more played time and has a more recent last login then the TrueWoW character gets renamed and you can keep your name. Your guild names will also have a dot added in front of the name in case the name already exists at TrueWoW, as guild leader you can contact an Admin if you want the name changed.

We also noticed that Spermik has more interaction between factions and makes it possible to mail items between factions which is not the case at TrueWoW. To make sure you can get your items to the right faction, we added 300 web points to your account. You can use these points to change the faction of a character and move its items to the other faction at the same time. If you don't need the faction change then you are free to spend the points in a different way.

Some more information about the characters. All dead characters will be revived at login. Arena teams will be deleted and Matchmaking Rating gets reset. Donator tabards get removed along with the items/spells: Magic Rooster Egg, The Flag of Ownership and Goblin Gumbo Kettle. Sadly your realm firsts also had to be removed...

I hope that was everything you need to know. If something is missing, it could be added later but you can also ask any questions at our forums.
Hopefully everything will work out fine and you can have a great time here at TrueWoW!

Yours sincerely,
The TrueWoW Team

Dear Bloodcraft players,

first off, welcome to TrueWoW. This page should cover all technical details regarding your accounts and characters, it's certainly worth reading if you don't like unexpected surprises.

First I will cover the part concerning your accounts. You should be able to login with your old username and password at the website and in game but you need to create a new forum account. Some usernames already existed at TrueWoW, if this is the case then we changed your username and it will say you used the wrong password. Your new username will have a dot added in front of the username, for example if your username was first "bloodcraftplayer" then it's now ".bloodcraftplayer". There is a very small chance that the username was taken both at TrueWoW and previously at Spermik, in this case you get 2 dots added in front. However if your username was at the max character limit (32 characters) then the last character from the name got removed and a dot got added in front, for example if you username was "bloodcraftplayerscomingtotruewow" then it will now be ".bloodcraftplayerscomingtotruewo" or "..bloodcraftplayerscomingtotruew". If you got any dots added then your previous password no longer works and it will need to be reset, for this send a Private Message to me (Roel) at the forum with the previous username and password to regain access to the account. If you got your username changed then you may also ask me to rename the username to your liking. After logging in you should check your account information here and set recovery questions for extra safety. Now you have an account at TrueWoW you also need to agree to our Rules and Policies if you want to keep playing here, they are slightly different from Bloodcraft.

I will especially pay attention to the fact that we delete accounts and characters after 6+ months of inactivity. As soon as you start playing here this will go active which means you risk losing everything if you go inactive. If you just came back after a long inactivity at Bloodcraft then Prodigy might still be able to find your data in the old backups.

I also want to notify you about some changes regarding your characters. First off your character gets a forced rename when logging in if the name already exists at TrueWoW. However if your character is a higher level, has more played time and has a more recent last login then the TrueWoW character gets renamed and you can keep your name. Your guild names will also have a dot added in front of the name in case the name already exists at TrueWoW, as guild leader you can contact an Admin if you want the name changed.

We also noticed that Bloodcraft has more interaction between factions and makes it possible to mail items between factions which is not the case at TrueWoW. To make sure you can get your items to the right faction, we added 300 web points to your account. You can use these points to change the faction of a character and move its items to the other faction at the same time. If you don't need the faction change then you are free to spend the points in a different way.

Some more information about the characters. All dead characters will be revived at login. Arena teams will be deleted and Matchmaking Rating gets reset. Gunship loot gets converted to other items, the template for this is shown below. The first item is the Gunship item before the merge, the second or third is what you will have now. Sadly your realm firsts also had to be removed...

I hope that was everything you need to know. If something is missing, it could be added later but you can also ask any questions at our forums.
Hopefully everything will work out fine and you can have a great time here at TrueWoW!

Yours sincerely,
The TrueWoW Team

10 normal

Saronite Gargoyle Cloak
Strength of the Nerub
Might of the Nerub

Cord of Dark Suffering
Belt of the Winter Solstice
Belt of the Bloodhoof Emissary

Ice-Reinforced Vrykul Helm
Cowl of Malefic Repose

Pauldrons of Lost Hope
Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter
Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter

Icecrown Rampart Bracers
Armbands of the Northern Stalker
Bracers of the Northern Stalker

Bracers of Pale Illumination
Coldwraith Bracers

Bone Drake's Enameled Boots
Greaves of the 7th Legion
Greaves of the Saronite Citadel

Abomination's Bloody Ring
Signet of the Traitor King
Band of the Traitor King

Muradin's Spyglass
Reign of the Unliving
Reign of the Death

Midnight Sun
Bleak Coldarra Carver

Frost Giant's Cleaver
Bone Warden's Splitter

Neverending Winter
Crystal Plated Vanguard
Forlorn Barrier

10 heroic

Saronite Gargoyle Cloak
Winding Sheet

Cord of Dark Suffering
Lingering Illness

Ice-Reinforced Vrykul Helm
Snowstorm Helm

Pauldrons of Lost Hope
Dual-Bladed Pauldrons

Icecrown Rampart Bracers
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
Bracers of the Silent Massacre

Bracers of Pale Illumination
Coldwraith Bracers

Bone Drake's Enameled Boots
Hellfrozen Bonegrinders

Abomination's Bloody Ring
Harbinger's Bone Band
Band of the Traitor King

Muradin's Spyglass
Dislodged Foreign Object

Midnight Sun
Bleak Coldarra Carver

Frost Giant's Cleaver

Neverending Winter
Crystal Plated Vanguard
Forlorn Barrier

25 normal

Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak
Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape

Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown
Thaumaturge's Crackling Cowl

Gunship Captain's Mittens
Sister's Handshrouds

Boots of Unnatural Growth
Pale Corpse Boots

Scourge Hunter's Vambraces
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
Bracers of the Silent Massacre

Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons
Spaulders of the Blood Princes

Polar Bear Claw Bracers
Taiga Bindings

Waistband of Righteous Fury
Belt of the Blood Nova

Amulet of the Silent Eulogy
Pendant of Split Veins

Ring of Rapid Ascent
Cerise Coiled Ring

Skeleton Lord's Circle
Rotface's Rupturing Ring

Althor's Abacus
Sliver of Pure Ice

Corpse Tongue Coin
Unidentifiable Organ

Scourgeborne Waraxe
Bone Warden's Splitter

Dear Gaming Consortium players,

first off, welcome to TrueWoW. This page should cover all technical details regarding your accounts and characters, it's certainly worth reading if you don't like unexpected surprises.

First I will cover the part concerning your accounts. You should be able to login with your old username and password at the website and in game but you need to create a new forum account. Some usernames already existed at TrueWoW, if this is the case then we changed your username and it will say you used the wrong password. Your new username will have one or more dots added in front of the username. If you got any dots added then your previous password no longer works and it will need to be reset, for this send a Private Message to me (Roel) at the forum with the previous username and password to regain access to the account. If you got your username changed then you may also ask me to rename the username to your liking. After logging in you should check your account information here and set recovery questions for extra safety. Now you have an account at TrueWoW you also need to agree to our Rules and Policies if you want to keep playing here, they are slightly different from Gaming Consortium.

I also want to notify you about some changes regarding your characters. First off your character gets a forced rename when logging in if the name already exists at TrueWoW. However if your character is a higher or equal level, has more played time and logged in the last 12 months then the TrueWoW character gets renamed and you can keep your name. Your guild names will also have a dot added in front of the name in case the name already exists at TrueWoW, as guild leader you can contact an Admin if you want the name changed.

We also noticed that Gaming Consortium has more interaction between factions and makes it possible to mail items between factions which is not the case at TrueWoW. To make sure you can get your items to the right faction, we added 300 web points to your account. You can use these points to change the faction of a character and move its items to the other faction at the same time. If you don't need the faction change then you are free to spend the points in a different way. In addition, your previous GC tokens got converted to web points at the rate of 3 web points per token.

Some more information about the characters. All dead characters will be revived at login. Arena teams will be deleted and Matchmaking Rating gets reset. The following items/spells had to be removed but you received a refund for those: Magic Rooster Egg, Swift Zhevra and X-53 Touring Rocket.Sadly your realm firsts also had to be removed...

Also before playing, don't forget to set your realmlist to:
I hope that was everything you need to know. If something is missing, it could be added later but you can also ask any questions at our forums.
Hopefully everything will work out fine and you can have a great time here at TrueWoW!

Yours sincerely,
The TrueWoW Team

Mergers history